We decided that we needed a mini vacation. What better time to do that than fall break? It was long over due and so happy we went. The car ride was long, but we managed to have a great time!!! We stopped in St. George to see my Papa, Grandma, Chelsea and Ryan. I bought some purty flowers for my grandma and surprised them both. I love em too too much!! After, I went to Kneaders with Chelsea and ryan. They made me try some scrumptious food. It was AMAZING. We went back on the road after that and then made a quick stop in Lancaster where I said Hi to my dad. He of course, had some food for us too. Finally, at 12 o'clock we made it to my mom's. Man was it good to be home. 12 hours is just too far.
At a gas station we bough 50¢ mustaches..Which are now on my dash board of my
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