Sunday, December 16, 2012

Things happen for a reason

Today I have re-realized that everything happens for a reason. Things you go through may be pretty cruddy, but there was a reason for it. I personally think we go through trials to help others go through them and they make you stronger and be thankful when things are going right. I would not take back the things I have gone through because they have made me who I am. And if I have helped a single person get through something, that is a good enough reason for me. I think it is easy for our past to get the best of us or even make us bitter, but I think it is important that we see why those hardships were placed in our lives and we learn from them. Because they were placed in our life to learn something from them.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so what's up that you're pondering the reasons for adversity?
