This week I was able to go to the temple TWICE! It's amazing how it can completely change the direction your week. I don't think that the provo temple is my most favorite, but I've come to love it. Not only is it so close to my apartment, I love the sitting arrangement and flowers behind it. On Saturday I went and just sat outside and read the Book of Mormon. There was close to no one there and it was just so peaceful. I was able to finish the BOM. It has been one of my goals for the longest time and it is nice to say that I finally accomplished it along with all the many things that come along with reading the Book of Mormon. I'm just thankful that we have places like the temple to clear our heads and feel the spirit, nothing quite comes close to it.
"As we come unto Christ and journey to higher ground, we will desire to spend more time in His temples, because the temples represent higher ground, sacred ground."
—Joseph B. Wirthlin
Also, on Sunday, after ward prayer, Becca and I went on a little car ride in her convertable. It was such a nice night. We ended up making a stop at the Provo temple and just sitting in her car and talked. We talked for awhile, but it flew by. It's so nice to have friends you can talk to. Especially being so far away from family. And if anyone understands that, it's Becca. We then came home and watched wedding proposals and wedding videos on vimeo..forever alone haha <3
Congrats on finishing the B of M! Good job. I've never heard of video'ed proposals. Yours will be better!