Sunday, January 1, 2012

First semester at UVU

It was a big adjustment and it took awhile to get use to college, utah, new ward and friends. Here, I realized no one made me clean my room, eat, do laundry, of finish my homework. My mom always said, "when you least expect'll turn into me!" I'd hate to admit it, but it's so true. I am the clean freak in my apartment...and if you know my mom, you will understand.

Moving to Utah has given me the chance to make some great friends, who turned into my family away from home <3

SAVANNAH!! I met her my first sunday at church... We ended up being next door neighbors. We have so much fun! She has definitely helped me make this huge transition a little easier! We've been homesick together, embarrassing together, and pushed each other to do better :) I love this girl.

BECCA~ my Texas gal! We have way too much fun together and don't know what I would do if I didn't have her making me laugh everyday. Our closets combined make the best wardrobe :) So glad I met her and became best friends in such a short time!!

ALYSON- my lovely roommate! It's like we have a sleepover every night. We have the best conversations and so glad I got stuck with her!! We may be spazzes, but at least we can say we have fun :)

I only had to do one all nighter. Luckily, I had the company of Becca! Lets just say we had a lot of time to get ready that morning. I wouldn't recommend this. I struggled keeping my eyes open and staying awake through lectures haha :)
                                                           our before and after picture

                                                                             OCTOBER MAZES
 The day before I left for my short trip home (to surprise my mom), Becca decided to persuade me to go to the Young Single Adult haunted cornfield maze. This was the coldest i've ever been!! Other than the cold, it was So much fun! 

My SHORT trip home to Cali
I drove a long 10 hours to surprise my wonderful Momma and best friends Lauren and Shelby <3  Surprisingly, the drive didn't seem so bad, possibly because I was so excited to be coming home. It was SO nice to be home in a comfy bed surrounded by people i'd missed! I got to go support my Valenica volleyball girls in one of their games. It was so nice to see all of them. I surprised Lauren at the airport and surprised Shelby at her door! It was a much needed break <3


BYU creamery fun
Misti, Savannah and my favorite place to go to is the creamery.. Lets just say they have the best ice cream and fries num num num.


One night we all decided to go roller blading.. Lets just say we weren't the best and Alyson ate the floor a couple times! We just need some practice!


St. George Visits
I have been lucky to have my sisters, brother in law and grandparents just three hours away from me. They have helped so much! I see them more now than I ever did before. I love seeing my nephew and niece and being a part of it. It's amazing how fast they grow <3 They're my lil buddies.
Ashley and I have got to spend a lot of time together and do many fun things like do crafts, take the kids to the park, help her move into her new house and just have fun together. Brian who can instantly make you laugh and make you feel stupid at any given moment:) I have seen Chelsea grow leaps and bounds from graduating nursing school to meeting the man of her dreams. I am so lucky to have them. 



I  got to spend halloween with Misti! She took me to her friends house and got to meet a lot of new people! She is my twin and had so much fun with her! Oh did I mention that I WENT IN A HAUNTED MAZE ( I almost died but thats besides the point)!!

A Time For Thanks
I love the holidays! I am so thankful for the many blessings I have. My rock-my family! I know they will always be there and they are my constant support, My friends, who make times fun, College and the many lessons it has taught me so far and my savior who has done what nobody else can <3

BINGO night is FUN night

You may say that bingo is for old people!! But Becca and I can tell you otherwise! Not only is it intense and way fun... You win free food. Any starving college student could appreciate that!! I have won every time I have gone! You can say I am a pro in the making :)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE <3 You're my favorite EVER! I can't wait for you to come home, and for us to have an awesome second semester together!! Love you!!!
