Sunday, January 1, 2012

Bye Bye Cali... Hello Utah

I wanted to start this when I left for school, but I never made time. So far I am enjoying myself at Utah Valley University, even though it has been a BIG transition. I started off knowing no one, and to me that was a little overwhelming. Most of my family(minus chelsea and my dad) were able to come along to help me settle into my apartment. I am truly blessed for the sacrifices my family have made for me. I don't know what I would do without them. They made moving in and hanging up my millions of clothes so much easier. I think that was the only time in my life where I never wanted to buy another article of clothing ever again (in time that'll change). When the goodbyes came, there were some tears. I had to say bye to my family and friends, but this was the push that I needed to make the next step in my life. It was time to live on my own!!!

I had to leave my two best friends who have always been a constant support and have shown me what true friends are made of<3

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