Sunday, April 29, 2012

Ryan and the "See you laters"

His ability to make you laugh is amazing. I will miss getting made fun of and bugged by this kid for the next 7 months. Brian will be waiting for you in November to pin me down! So lucky to have such great Bro-in-laws! Could never be prouder. Thanks for your endless sacrifices see you soon dufus!


I have never seen anyone make my sister happier! 

A true woman always loves a real soldier.

A military wife figths her first battle when she kisses her 
husband good bye.

I couldn't tell you how proud I am of these two. They both continue to show their strength through the hardest of times. Their love can get through anything. 


This was probably one of the hardest things I've ever had to do and see. Yet i have never felt so blessed to have such a great family. I will never forget the hours we all spent together on the ramp waiting for those awful white buses to come take all those marines away. I am so lucky to have such a great brother in law who treats my sister like gold. I am so thankful for the many people who sacrifice so much for our freedoms.                                                    

This will not come off until  Nov.

only the face of the most proud sister ever!!


The sunset that followed the "see you laters" So pretty and really comforting!! <3 Ryan come home quickly and safely. WE LOVE YOU!


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