Sunday, February 12, 2012

Just Some Fun

Paint Fight
We decided last minute to go to this dance in salt lake. Let me tell you, it was SO jammed packed with bodies. The dance floor was a mosh pit. So much for dancing. It was definitely an experience. 


Becca thought it would be fun to see me as a blonde. I can officially say, God gave me brown hair for a reason :)

 Just cookin' some late night snacks! 

 My normal kitchen wear :)

My poor friend Becca needs assistance. Good thing I love her enough to do this. In the end we had clean hair and water everywhere!!

I had to go to the doctors. I guess they're right, you gotta eat an apple a day to keep the doctors away. I got poked seven times. I was not a happy camper:(

I have recently found out that I love baking and cooking for my lovely roommates <3 I still have yet to kill someone. So I guess that's a good thing. 

This describes our friendship to a T! Love this girl. We spent our time at the bank counting every penny we owned, hoping to get some extra money for some weekend fun. We got five dollars, which is more than we had yesterday!  

This lovely cake was for my roommate Chana's birthday! Alyson, Abi, and I ran out of icing (as you can tell). But we made it work somehow. Don't use this to judge my cooking:) It's the thought that counts and actually turned out quite delish!!

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